ATV/UTV Catalog

BRAKES body accessories handlebar & grips cables & levers engine fuel & intake carriers & racks plows & implements frame & chassis utv accessories bumpers & winches electrical & ignition clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires & wheels chemicals tools & shop exhaust 1476 | 207-942-6769 ATV BRAKES FRONT MAKE/MODEL YEAR STANDARD PADS / SHOES LEFT STANDARD PADS / SHOES RIGHT SEMISINTERED V-PADS™ & SXR RACE PADS LEFT SEMISINTERED V-PADS™ & SXR RACE PADS RIGHT SINTERED R / HH PADS / GROOVED SHOES LEFT SINTERED R / HH PADS / GROOVED SHOES RIGHT EPFA SINTERED HH PADS FOR FAST ROAD USE AND TRACK DAYS. LEFT EPFA SINTERED HH PADS FOR FAST ROAD USE AND TRACK DAYS. RIGHT SINTERED MXS SPORT PADS LEFT SINTERED MXS SPORT PADS RIGHT SV SERIES SEVERE DUTY PADS LEFT SV SERIES SEVERE DUTY PADS RIGHT POLARIS CONTINUED 500 Ranger 500 R21MAA50BJ7 21-22 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 500 Ranger Crew 11-13 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 500 Ranger Series 10 6 x 6 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 570 Ranger Crew EFi 14-15 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 570 Ranger EFi 14-20 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 700 Ranger 4 x 4 EFi 2009 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 700 Ranger 4 x 4 EFi/LE 2007 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 700 Ranger 6 x 4 EFi 2008 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 700 Ranger 6 x 6 EFi 06-09 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 700 Ranger Crew (EFi) 4 x 4 2009 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 700 Ranger XP 4 x 4 2006 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 700 Ranger XP 4 x 4 2008 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 800 Ranger 10-12 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 800 Ranger 6 x 6 10-17 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 800 Ranger Crew 10-14 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 800 Ranger EFi 13-14 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 800 Ranger Mid Size 13-14 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV 800 Ranger XP 10-12 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 900 (Ranger XP 900) 13-14 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 900 D Crew Ranger Diesel 13-14 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 900 D Ranger Diesel 11-14 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 900 R18RVA87A1/B1/E87A9/B9 16-19 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 900 Ranger Crew 10-15 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 900 Ranger XP 900 (R27) 15-19 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 ACE 570 (R08) All models A17DAA57A5/A7 17-20 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV ACE 570 EFI EURO (R09) A17DAA57F5 17-20 --- --- --- --- 168584 168584 --- --- --- --- FA354SV FA354SV Big Boss 250 4 x 6 89-90 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 250 4 x 6 91-92 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 250 4 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 89-90 168517 --- --- --- 168515 --- --- --- --- --- 168516 --- Big Boss 250 4 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 91-92 168517 --- --- --- 168515 --- --- --- --- --- 168516 --- Big Boss 250 6 x 6 1991 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 250 6 x 6 92-93 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 250 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 1991 168517 --- --- --- 168515 --- --- --- --- --- 168516 --- Big Boss 250 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 92-93 168517 --- --- --- 168515 --- --- --- --- --- 168516 --- Big Boss 300 6 x 6 1994 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 300 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 1994 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 350 L 1993 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 350 L Middle Axle Brake 1993 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 1996 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 1997 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 94-95 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 1996 --- --- --- --- 168554 168554 --- --- --- --- --- --- Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 1997 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 400 L 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 94-95 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 500 6 x 6 98-99 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Big Boss 500 6 x 6 Middle Axle Brake 98-99 168517 168517 --- --- 168515 168515 --- --- --- --- 168516 168516 Brutus HD HDPTO (R03) 13-17 164040 164040 164866 164866 168632 168632 --- --- --- --- 164055 164055 Forest 1000 2015 168637 168637 --- --- 168635 168635 --- --- --- --- 168636 168636 Forest 850 2015 168637 168637 --- --- 168635 168635 --- --- --- --- 168636 168636 General 1000 Deluxe 2 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 1000 Deluxe Ride Command Edition 2 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 1000 Premium 2 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 1000 Sport 2 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 4 1000 Deluxe Ride Command Edition 4 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 4 1000 Premium 4 seat 21-22 164645 164645 164872 164872 164694 164694 --- --- --- --- 164897 164897 General 4 XP 4 1000 Deluxe 4 seat 21-22 --- --- 164876 164876 164700 164700 --- --- --- --- --- --- General 4 XP 4 1000 Deluxe Ride Command Edition 4 seat 21-22 --- --- 164876 164876 164700 164700 --- --- --- --- --- --- BRAKES