Offroad 2020

ENGINE accessories body handlebar & grips cables & levers engine fuel & intake electrical & ignition clutch drive bearings brakes steering & suspension tires exhaust chemicals tools & shop 283 2020 OFFROAD CATALOG SIZE PISTON KIT PISTON PARTS CYLINDER SLEEVES CRANKSHAFT SLEEVES CONNECTING ROD PARTS GASKETS VALVE TRAIN PARTS I VALVE TRAIN PARTS II HONDA CONTINUED CRF 250 R SIZE PISTON KIT RING SET SLEEVE CRANKSHAFT CON. ROD KIT COMPLETE CAM CHAIN VALVE 4-Stroke 77.97 108442 105879 106286 106242 105985 107506 107356 110929 Please Note: 77.98 114307 105879 ('04) ('04-09) ('04-17) ('04-07) ('04-09) ('04-07) 2x Nikasil Piston Size 77.99 114308 105879 106287 107507 107357 Exhaust Steel -Std. Compression 12.9:1 ('04-07) ('04-07) ('05-09) CRANKBEARING ('08-09) ('10-17) 110930 & SEAL KIT 113575 ('04-09) 2x Please Note: 77.97 114309 105879 114544 B/E BEARING ('10-17) Intake Titanium Nikasil Piston Size 77.98 113804 105879 ('04-05) 110681 110932 -Std. Compression 13.5:1 77.99 114310 105879 114545 ('04-17) TOP-END VALVE SHIM ('08-09) 2x -Forged Piston ('08-09) ('08-09) ('06-17) ----- 107639 ASSORTMENT Exhaust Steel ('18-20) ('04-07) 111087 110933 Please Note: 76.77 115961 BEARING 107640 ('04-17) ('10-15) 2x Nikasil Piston Size 76.78 114312 ----- CRANKPIN ('08-09) 114177 Exhaust Steel -Std. Compression 13.2:1 76.79 108450 ('04-17) Right 106219 107641 ('04-17) 110934 -Forged Piston ('10-13) ----- ('04-17) ('10-17) 111089 ('10-17) 2x -Fuel Injection ('18-20) Right ----- ----- ('18-20) Intake Titanium 110796 ('18-20) ('18-20) 114179 115032 Please Note: 76.77 114315 ('04-17) Left ('18-20) ('16-17) 2x Nikasil Piston Size 76.78 114316 WASHERS HEAD & BASE Exhaust Titanium -Std. Compression 13.5:1 76.79 114317 INNER RING 113549 114899 116072 -Forged Piston ('14-15) 110798 ('04-20) 2x ('04-09) ('18-20) 2x -Fuel Injection ('04-17) 114901 Intake Titanium ('10-17) 116070 Please Note: 76.77 114318 105880 OILSEAL SET ('18-20) 2x Nikasil Piston Size 76.78 114319 105880 107943 Exhaust Titanium -Std. Compression 13.8:1 76.79 114320 105880 ('04-05) -Forged Piston ('16-17) ('16-17) 107944 IGNITION TI-STEEL -Fuel Injection ('06-17) COVER GASKET CONVERSION SET 42.1348 114900 114025 Please Note: 78.97 115966 ('18) ('04-09) ('04-07) Intake Nikasil Piston Size 78.98 115967 114902 114026 -Std. Compression 13.9:1 78.99 115968 ('10-17) ('08-09) Intake -Forged Piston ('18-19) 111067 -Fuel Injection ('10-17) Intake Please Note: 78.97 Nikasil Piston Size 78.98 VALVE SEAL -Std. Compression 13.9:1 78.99 111099 -Forged Piston ('04-07) 4x -Fuel Injection 111099 HIGH 111098 COMPRESSION RING SET ('08-15) 2x Exhaust Please Note: 77.97 114309 105879 111099 Nikasil Piston Size 77.98 113804 105879 ('16-20) 4x -High Compression 13.5:1 77.99 114310 105879 -Forged Piston ('04-07) ('04-07) Please Note: 76.77 108451 105880 Nikasil Piston Size 76.78 108452 105880 -High Compression 14.2:1 ('10-13) ('10-13) -Forged Piston -Fuel Injection PIN 110302 ('04-09) 112664 ('16-20) CLIPS 110325 ('04-17) 106174 ('18-20) CRF 250 RX SIZE PISTON KIT VALVE SHIM VALVE 4-Stroke 78.97 115966 ASSORTMENT 116072 Please Note: 78.98 115967 111089 ('19-20) 2x Nikasil Piston Size 78.99 115968 PIN WASHERS ('19-20) Intake Titanium -Std. Compression 13.9:1 ('19) 112664 113549 114179 116070 ('19-20) ('19-20) 2x ('19-20) ('19-20) 2x Please Note: 78.97 CLIPS Exhaust Titanium Nikasil Piston Size 78.98 106174 -Std. Compression 13.9:1 78.99 ('19-20) VALVE SEAL -Forged Piston 111099 -Fuel Injection ('19-20) 4x Racing Parts PISTONS, CONNECTING ROD PARTS, GASKETS PRICING AT THE END OF APPLICATION