Offroad 2020
FUEL & INTAKE body accessories handlebar & grips cables & levers electrical & ignition engine fuel & intake clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires exhaust chemicals tools & shop 594 AIR FILTER CLEANER & DEGREASER Formulated to clean K&N Filtercharger elements. K&N Cleaner works to dissolve the dirt build up and old filter oil, and can be washed away with water. It is biodegradable and safe on paint, chrome, cast aluminum, plastic, rubber and vinyl when used as directed. 32 fl. oz. squirt bottle 560621 15.39 12 fl. oz. squirt bottle 560606 9.69 12 per case NOTE: Do not use on polished or anodized aluminum. Provides an air- tight fit around sealing surfaces on all types of air filter elements. Resists heat and will not melt or run off. Not to be used on clamp-on filter elements. SEALING GREASE 6 oz. squeeze tube 560704 15.79 12 Per Case FILTER CHARGER OIL 560504 6-1/2 oz. aerosol can 12/case 9.29 560516 12 oz. aerosol can 12/case 10.89 560533 8 oz. squeeze bottle 12/case 7.69 5611312 1/2 oz. pillow pack 50/case 8.59 Specially formulated to work in combination with the cotton fabric in K&N Filtercharger elements providing a superior air filtration system.When used as directed, it quickly penetrates the filter pleats, where it remains sus- pended in the cotton fabric. Saturation is maintained until the element is cleaned with K&N Air Filter Cleaner. CC MODEL YEAR AIR_FILTER AIR_FILTER_PRE OIL_FILTER YAMAHA CONTINUED 250 WR250X 07-08 563586 61.89 ----- KN141 9.69 250 WR250X 09-12 563586 61.89 ----- 608168 8.59 250 WR250X 13-14 563586 61.89 ----- ----- 250 WR250X 15 563586 61.89 ----- 608168 8.59 125 YZ125 18 YA2506 132.19 ----- ----- 250 YZ250 91-92 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 ----- 250 YZ250 97-02 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 ----- 250 YZ250 03-08 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN141 9.69 250 YZ250 09-14 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 ----- 250 YZ250 15-18 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 608168 8.59 250 YZ250 19 YA2506 0.00 ----- ----- 250 YZ250F 01-02 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN142 11.99 250 YZ250F 03-08 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN141 9.69 250 YZ250F 09-13 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 608168 8.59 250 YZ250F 14-16 821267 82.79 821270 43.49 608168 8.59 250 YZ250F 17 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 608168 8.59 250 YZ250F 18 821267 82.79 ----- 608168 8.59 250 YZ250FX 15-18 821267 82.79 821270 43.49 608168 8.59 250 YZ250X 16-18 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 608168 8.59 343 TT350 90 ----- ----- KN143 11.39 350 RD350 73 608038 73.59 ----- ----- 350 RD350 74-75 608038 73.59 ----- ----- 350 TT350 86-87 563586 61.89 ----- KN143 11.39 350 TT350 88-89 ----- ----- KN143 11.39 350 TT350 91-92 ----- ---- KN143 11.39 350 XT350 85-01 ----- ----- KN143 11.39 360 DT360 74 564074 74.09 ----- ----- 400 DT400 74-77 564074 74.09 ----- ----- 400 SR400 92-08 608102 81.39 ----- KN145 8.59 400 SR400 14 608114 66.89 ----- ----- 400 SR400 15-16 608114 66.89 ----- KN145 8.59 400 SR400 17 608114 66.89 ----- ----- 400 WR400F 98-02 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN142 11.99 400 XT400 81-82 ----- ----- KN145 8.59 400 XT400 83-84 ----- ----- KN145 8.59 400 YZ400F 99 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN142 11.99 426 WR426F 01-02 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN142 11.99 426 YZ426F 00-02 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN142 11.99 449 YFZ450R SE 08 YA4504 90.29 608112 44.19 608168 8.59 449 YFZ450R SE 09-16 YA4504 90.29 608112 44.19 608168 8.59 449 YFZ450X 10-11 YA4504 90.29 608112 44.19 608168 8.59 450 WR450F 03-08 YA4503 133.69 608108 96.89 KN141 9.69 450 WR450F 09 YA4503 133.69 608108 96.89 608168 8.59 450 WR450F 11-15 YA4503 133.69 608108 96.89 608168 8.59 450 WR450F 16 ----- ----- 608168 8.59 450 YFZ450 Bill Ballance Edition 07 ----- ----- 608168 8.59 450 YZ450F 03-08 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 KN141 9.69 450 YZ450F 09 YA2506 132.19 608103 88.59 608168 8.59 450 YZ450F 10-13 608164 88.99 ----- 608168 8.59 450 YZ450F 14-17 821267 82.79 821270 43.49 608168 8.59 450 YZ450FX 16-20 821267 82.79 821270 43.49 608168 8.59 500 SR500 78-81 608046 82.29 ----- KN145 8.59 500 SR500 82-00 ----- ----- KN145 8.59 K&N DIRT BIKE AIR BOX FILTERS continued
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