Offroad 2020

BRAKES body accessories handlebar & grips cables & levers electrical & ignition engine fuel & intake clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires exhaust chemicals tools & shop 942 YEAR FRONT REAR SUZUKI CONTINUED DR 125 SE 94-96 115243 20.44 ----- DR-Z 125 03-09 114653 20.44 ----- DR-Z 125 L 03-14 114653 20.44 ----- DR 200 SE 96-96 114625 20.44 ----- DR 200 SE 97-09 115243 20.44 DR 250 90-93 114644 20.44 114624 20.44 DR 250 S 90-91 114644 20.44 114624 20.44 DR 250 S 90-95 114644 20.44 114645 20.44 DR-Z 250 01-07 114625 20.44 ----- RM 250 87-88 114644 20.44 ----- RM 250 89-92 114644 20.44 114624 20.44 RM 250 93-95 114644 20.44 114655 20.44 RM 250 96-98 114625 20.44 114624 20.44 RM 250 99-08 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 RMX 250 89-92 114644 20.44 114624 20.44 RMX 250 93-95 114644 20.44 114655 20.44 RMX 250 96-98 114625 20.44 114655 20.44 RM-Z 250 04-07 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 RM-Z 250 08-15 114625 20.44 114656 20.44 DR 350 90-96 114644 20.44 114624 20.44 DR 350 97-99 114625 20.44 114624 20.44 DR 350 SE 90-97 114644 20.44 114645 20.44 DR 350 SE 98-99 114625 20.44 114645 20.44 DR-Z 400 00-15 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 DR-Z 400 SM 05-15 114625 20.44 114629 20.44 RM-Z 450 05-07 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 RM-Z 450 08-15 114625 20.44 114656 20.44 RMX 450 Z 10-11 114625 20.44 114656 20.44 DR 650 SE 90-95 ----- 114654 20.44 DR 650 SE 96-14 114625 20.44 114655 20.44 YAMAHA YZ80 86-92 114657 20.44 ----- YZ80 93-01 114657 20.44 114641 20.44 YZ85 02-16 114657 20.44 114641 20.44 YZ 125 85-88 114658 20.44 ----- YEAR FRONT REAR YAMAHA CONTINUED YZ 125 89-90 114644 20.44 ----- YZ 125 91-97 114644 20.44 114655 20.44 YZ 125 98-02 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 YZ 125 03-07 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 125 08-16 114646 20.44 114647 20.44 TT-R 125 L 00-15 114657 20.44 ----- TT-R 225 99-06 ----- 114655 20.44 TT-R 230 06-15 115242 20.44 ----- TT-R 250 99-06 114644 20.44 ----- XT 250 08-15 ----- 114645 20.44 YZ 250 85-88 114658 20.44 ----- YZ 250 89 114644 20.44 ----- YZ 250 90-97 114644 20.44 114659 20.44 YZ 250 98-02 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 YZ 250 03-07 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 250 08-16 114646 20.44 114647 20.44 WR 250 89-90 114644 20.44 ----- WR 250 91-97 114644 20.44 114655 20.44 YZ 250 F 01-03 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 YZ 250 F 04-06 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 250 F 07-15 114646 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 250 F 16 114646 20.44 ----- YZ 250 FX 16 ----- 114647 20.44 WR 250 F 01-02 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 WR 250 F 03-14 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 WR 250 F 15 ----- 114647 20.44 YZ 400 F 98 114625 20.44 ----- YZ 400 F 99-00 114625 20.44 114624 20.44 WR 400 F 98 114625 20.44 114655 20.44 WR 400 F 99-00 114625 20.44 114623 20.44 YZ 426 F 00-02 114625 20.44 114624 20.44 WR 426 F 01-02 114625 20.44 114624 20.44 YZ 450 F 03-07 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 450 F 08-16 114646 20.44 114647 20.44 WR 450 F 03-15 114625 20.44 114647 20.44 YZ 490 85-90 114658 20.44 ----- WR 500 92-93 114644 20.44 ----- PROX BRAKE CALIPER REBUILD KITS continued JT DIRT BIKE BRAKE DISCS MODEL YEAR FRONT DISC REAR DISC HONDA CR80 R-N,P,R,S 92-95 ---- 207676 59.50 CR80 R/RB-T,V,W,X,Y,1,2 96-02 207677 59.50 207676 59.50 CR85 R/RB-3,4,5,6,7 03-07 207677 59.50 207676 59.50 CR125 R-S,T,V 95-97 207679 69.50 207680 69.50 CR125 R-W,X,Y,1 98-01 207679 69.50 207681 69.50 CR125 R-2,3,4,5,6,7 02-07 207679 69.50 207678 69.50 CRF150 R/RB-7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G 07-16 207677 59.50 207676 59.50 CR250 R-S,T 95-96 207679 69.50 207680 69.50 CR250 R-V,W,X,Y,1 97-01 207679 69.50 207681 69.50 CR250 R-2,3,4,5,6,7 02-07 207679 69.50 207678 69.50 CRF250 R-4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E 04-14 207679 69.50 207678 69.50 CRF250 R- 15-16 ---- 207678 69.50 CRF450 R-2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E 02-14 207679 69.50 207678 69.50 CRF450 R-F,G 15-16 ---- 207678 69.50 CR500 R-S,T,V,W,X,Y,1 95-01 207678 69.50 207680 69.50 MODEL YEAR FRONT DISC REAR DISC HUSABERG FS 400 C 01-03 ---- 207707 69.50 FS 400 E 01-03 ---- 207707 69.50 FX450 10-11 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 501 (4 Speed) 99-03 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 550 (4 Speed) 01-05 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 600 (4 Speed) 99-03 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FX 650 E 01-05 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 HUSQVARNA TC 85 (17/14) 14-15 207705 59.50 207706 59.50 TC 125 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 TE 125 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 TC 250 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 TE 250 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 250 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 350 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 FC 450 14-16 207708 69.50 207707 69.50 PATENTED SELF-CLEANING HOLES Uniqueconicalholeshelpkeep thepadanddiscclean fromdebris,aswellasprovidingweight reduction and heat dissipation HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS High quality stainless steel, fully heat-treated and machined to the closest of tolerances STEPPED OUTER PROFILE Specially machined design enhances heat dissipation and helps resist warping at high temperatures COATED SURFACES Electrostatically enamel paint coated non-braking surfaces FULL PAD COMPATIBILITY Engineered and race tested to work perfectly with all types of brake pads - metal sintered, semi-sintered, andorganic - foracontrolled, consistent braking performance inallwet,muddy, and dry conditions