Offroad Catalog

STEERING & SUSPENSION body accessories handlebar & grips cables & levers electrical & ignition engine fuel & intake clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires exhaust chemicals tools & shop 1402 | 207-942-6769 • Patented fork seal features a balanced 3 lip design that evenly distributes the pressure reducing operating temperature, wear and friction • Custom Elastomer fork seals have been tested to outlast OEM fork seals. Extends typical seal life by 3 to 5 times over OEM seals FRONT FORK BUSHING OIL & DUST SEAL KITS CC MODEL YEAR FORK BUSHING KIT FORK OIL SEAL & DUST SEAL KIT FORK OIL SEAL ONLY KIT FORK DUST SEAL ONLY KIT APRILIA 280 Climber 280 1994 --- --- 131901 16.98 --- BETA 80 EVO SR 80 14-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 125 EVO 2T 125 09-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 125 REV 2T 125 05-08 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 125 RR 2T 125 19-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 125 RR 2T 125 Race 2021 131730 60.93 --- --- --- 125 RR-S 4T 125 17-19 --- --- --- 132826 26.14 200 EVO 2T 200 09-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 200 REV 2T 200 05-08 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 200 RR 2T 200 19-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 200 RR 2T 200 Race 2021 131730 60.93 --- --- --- 250 EVO 2T 250 09-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 250 EVO 4T 250 09-18 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 250 REV 2T 250 05-08 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 250 REV 4T 250 2008 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 250 RR 2T 250 13-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 250 RR 4T 250 05-07 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 270 REV 2T 270 05-08 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 290 EVO 2T 290 09-11 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 300 EVO 2T 300 12-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 300 EVO 2T SS 300 2018 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 300 EVO 4T 300 09-21 --- 132813 35.40 131909 16.98 132831 19.25 300 RR 2T 300 13-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 300 XTRAINER 300 15-21 --- AB56137 35.23 131896 16.98 131964 17.33 350 RR 4T 350 2011 --- AB56145 35.94 131903 16.98 132002 18.61 350 RR 4T 350 12-20 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 350 RR-S 4T 350 17-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 390 RR 4T 390 15-20 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 390 RR-S 4T 390 17-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 390 RS 4T 390 15-16 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 400 RR 4T 400 05-10 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 400 RR 4T 400 2011 --- AB56145 35.94 131903 16.98 132002 18.61 400 RR 4T 400 12-14 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 400 RS 4T 400 2014 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 430 RR 4T 430 15-20 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 430 RR-S 4T 430 17-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 430 RS 4T 430 15-16 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 450 RR 4T 450 05-10 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 450 RR 4T 450 2011 --- AB56145 35.94 131903 16.98 132002 18.61 450 RR 4T 450 12-14 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 480 RR 4T 480 18-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 480 RS 4T 480 15-16 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 498 RR 4T 498 12-14 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 500 RR-S 4T 500 17-21 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 500 RS 4T 500 15-16 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 520 RR 4T 520 2010 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 520 RR 4T 520 2011 --- AB56145 35.94 131903 16.98 132002 18.61 520 RS 4T 520 2014 --- AB56147 35.94 131905 16.13 131967 17.33 525 RR 4T 525 05-09 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 COBRA 65 CX 65 07-13 --- AB56123 34.14 131885 16.13 131971 17.33 GAS GAS MC E5 2021 --- 138787 39.67 138789 23.35 132675 19.70 50 MC50 2021 --- 138787 39.67 138789 23.35 132675 19.70 65 MC65 2021 --- 138787 39.67 138789 23.35 132675 19.70 85 MC85 1916 2021 136269 55.08 AB56126 35.23 131888 16.98 131999 18.61 125 EC125 13-15 --- AB56149 35.23 131908 16.98 132000 18.61 • Stiction (friction) measures from 1/3 to 1/2 less than OEM seals for smoother fork action • Lower stiction, longer life! It doesn’t get any better than this • Plus, the only complete line of dust wipers! Wipers should be replaced with the fork seals to assure peak performance