TOOLS & SHOP accessories body handlebar & grips cables & levers engine fuel & intake electrical & ignition clutch drive bearings brakes steering & suspension tires exhaust chemicals tools & shop OFFROAD CATALOG 1597 FAST SAME DAY SHIPPING DESCRIPTION & (HEAD SIZE) PART # Nut, 5mm (8mm) MP0005 0.80 Nut, 6mm (10mm) MP0006 1.23 Nut, 12mm (17mm) MP0012 3.83 Nut, Fuji-Lock 8mm (13mm) MP0308 4.99 Nut, Fuji-Lock 10mm (17mm) MP0310 6.50 Washer, Lock 4mm MP2004 0.89 Washer, Lock 5mm MP2005 1.71 Washer, Lock 10mm MP2010 1.80 Washer, Lock12mm MP2012 3.55 Bolt, m5x20 (8mm) MP0520 1.49 Bolt, m5x30 (8mm) MP0530 4.05 Bolt, m10x20 (14mm) MP1020 7.59 Bolt, m10x30 (14mm) MP1030 11.01 Bolt, m10x35 (14mm) MP1035 9.99 Bolt, m10x40 (14mm) MP1040 11.39 Bolt, m10x45 (14mm) MP1045 12.50 Bolt, m10x50 (14mm) MP1050 12.50 Bolt, Flange m6x40 (8mm) MP1640 2.49 Bolt, Flange m6x45 (8mm) MP1645 2.99 Screw, Allen Head m8x20 MP2820 5.80 Screw, Allen Head m8x25 MP2825 6.29 Screw, Allen Head m8x35 MP2835 5.50 Screw, Allen Head m8x40 MP2840 5.89 Nut, Flange 8mm (12mm) MP0108 2.23 Nut, Flange 10mm (14mm) MP0110 2.86 Nut, Flange 12mm (17mm) MP0112 3.83 METRIC KIT REPLACEMENT HARDWARE Priced per package • Sold in packages of 10 only • All the popular metric nuts, bolts & washers that fit your atv, motorcycle and snowmobile DESCRIPTION & (HEAD SIZE) PART # Nut, Acorn 5mm (8mm) MP0405 1.70 Nut, Acorn 10mm (14mm) MP0410 4.17 Bolt, m6x35 (10mm) MP0635 2.49 Bolt, m6x40 (10mm) MP0640 2.75 Bolt, m6x45 (10mm) MP0645 4.17 Bolt, m6x50 (10mm) MP0650 2.50 Bolt, m12x20 (17mm) MP1220 14.20 Bolt, m12x30 (17mm) MP1230 16.15 Bolt, Flange m8x35 (10mm) MP1835 3.99 Bolt, Flange m8x50 (10mm) MP1850 5.25 Screw, Pan Head m6x8 MP3608 1.99 Screw, Pan Head m6x12 MP3612 2.25 Screw, Pan Head m6x20 MP3620 2.75 Screw, Pan Head m6x30 MP3630 3.25 Screw, Pan Head m6x35 MP3635 3.60 Screw, Pan Head m6x40 MP3640 3.99 Screw, Pan Head m6x45 MP3645 4.10 Screw, Pan Head m6x50 MP3650 4.39 Screw, Pan Head m6x55 MP3655 7.74 Screw, Pan Head m6x60 MP3660 8.20 Nut, Nylock 4mm (7mm) MP0204 0.99 Nut, Nylock 5mm (8mm) MP0205 0.99 Nut, Nylock 10mm (14mm) MP0210 4.64 Washer, Flat 4mm MP1004 0.60 Bolt, m4x15 (12mm) MP0415 1.35 DESCRIPTION & (HEAD SIZE) PART # Bolt, m4x25 (12mm) MP0425 3.55 Bolt, m8x10 (12mm) MP0810 4.17 Bolt, m8x15 (12mm) MP0815 3.30 Bolt, m8x20 (12mm) MP0820 3.25 Bolt, m8x25 (12mm) MP0825 3.49 Bolt, m8x30 (12mm) MP0830 3.50 Bolt, m8x35 (12mm) MP0835 5.80 Bolt, m8x40 (12mm) MP0840 4.50 Bolt, m8x45 (12mm) MP0845 6.43 Screw, Allen Head m6x35 MP2635 4.85 Screw, Allen Head m6x40 MP2640 4.85 Screw, Allen Head m6x50 MP2650 5.57 Screw, Allen Head m6x60 MP2660 6.75 Screw, Pan Head m5x10 MP3510 1.25 Screw, Pan Head m5x12 MP3512 1.75 Screw, Pan Head m5x16 MP3516 1.99 Screw, Pan Head m5x20 MP3520 2.25 Screw, Pan Head m5x25 MP3525 2.35 Screw, Pan Head m5x30 MP3530 2.49 TOOL PACK HARDWARE KIT CARD OF 12 PACKS • Display holds 12 hardware kits • Kits have 22 pieces that contain nuts, bolts, and washers most commonly needed for Off-Road/MX repairs • Designed for modern off-road, MX and Dual Sport motorcycles • Developed to carry in your T6 Tool Pack for trail side repairs, but equally as useful in your toolbox MP1200 84.99 • Kits feature grade 5 hardware with a zinc finish • Sold in an adjustable section box measuring 13.5” x 9.25” ALL KITS ARE 250 PIECES METRIC HARDWARE KITS & REPLACEMENT HARDWARE PART # DESCRIPTION MP0100 Hardware Kit, Metric Nuts: An assortment of standard, nylock, flange, fuji lock and low dome acorn nuts 184.99 MP0300 Hardware Kit, Flange Head Bolts: An assortment of 6mm flange head bolts from 6x10 through 6x45 and 8mm flange head bolts from 8x16 through 8x50 (all in 5mm increments) 66.99 MP0500 Hardware Kit, Pan Head Screws: Assortment of 5mm pan head screws from 5x10 through 5x30 (in 5mm increments) 6mm pan head screws including 6x8, 6x12, 6x16, 6x18, then 6x20 through 6x60 (in 5mm increments) 116.99 MP1100 Hardware Kit, Off-road: All essential fasteners for an off-road mechanic’s shop 61.99