Street Catalog
Upgrading an icon is never easy. The BT46 replaces the BT45 as Bridgestone's premier Bias-Ply vintage sport and touring tire. The BT46 improves wet grip without sacrificing wear life or handling characteristics*. Key Benefits: • Bias-Ply Tire designed for vintage sport and touring motorcycles • New Silica single compound in the rear to maximize performance, grip, and wear • Increased wet performance* • No sacrifice in wear life* *Compared to the Bridgesonte BATTLAX BT45 VINTAGE BT46 FRONT BT46 REAR TIRE SIZE LOAD SPEED TIRE CONSTRUCTION & PATTERN UM CODE OVERALL DIAMETER TREAD WIDTH OTD 32NDS (MEASURING RIM) APPROVED RIM MAX P.S.I. PART # FRONT 100/90-16M/C 54H Battlax BT46F UM 23.11 4.02 5.68 (2.50) 2.50~2.75 41 835192 156.67 110/90-16M/C 59V Battlax BT46F 23.78 4.4 6 2.15-3 41 835193 191.71 120/80-16M/C 60V Battlax BT46F 23.545 4.8 5.68 (2.75) 2.75~3.00 41 835194 193.77 100/80-17M/C 52H Battlax BT46F 23.43 3.98 5.68 (2.50) 2.50~2.75 41 835195 156.67 110/80-17M/C 57H Battlax BT46F 24.0 4.3 6 (2.5) 2.15~2.75 41 835197 119.56 110/70-17M/C 54H Battlax BT46F UM 23.2 4.3 6 (3.0) 2.5~3.5 41 835196 197.90 120/70-17M/C 58H Battlax BT46F 23.8 4.8 6 2.75-3.75 41 835198 197.90 100/80-18M/C 53H Battlax BT46F 24.41 3.98 5.68 (2.50) 2.50~2.75 41 835199 164.91 110/80-18M/C 58V Battlax BT46F 25 4.33 5.68 (2.50) 2.50~3.00 42 835202 195.84 110/90-18M/C 61H Battlax BT46F UM 25.8 4.3 6 (2.5) 2.15~3.0 41 835203 154.61 100/90-18M/C 56V Battlax BT46F 25.1 3.9 6 (2.5) 2.15~2.75 41 835200 162.85 100/90-18M/C 56H Battlax BT46F UM 25.1 3.9 6 (2.5) 2.15~3.0 41 835201 144.30 90/90-18M/C 51H Battlax BT46F UM 24.4 3.6 6 (2.15) 1.85~2.5 41 835204 156.67 100/90-19M/C 57V Battlax BT46F 26.1 3.9 6 (2.5) 2.15~2.75 41 835207 204.08 100/90-19 57H Battlax BT46F 26.18 3.9 6 2.15-2.75 41 835205 175.22 3.25-19 54H Battlax BT46F 26.2 3.9 6 (2.15) 1.85~2.5 41 835206 146.36 REAR 130/90-16M/C 67H Battlax BT46R 25.1 5.4 9 (3.0) 2.5~3.5 41 835208 133.99 150/80-16M/C 71V Battlax BT46R UM 25.4 6.1 9 (3.5) 3.0~4.0 41 835209 272.11 130/90-17M/C 68V Battlax BT46R UM 26.1 5.4 9 (3.0) 2.5~3.5 41 835214 222.63 130/70-17M/C 62H Battlax BT46R UM 24.4 5.3 9 (3.5) 3.0~4.0 41 835212 197.90 140/80-17M/C 69V Battlax BT46R UM 25.8 5.6 9 (3.5) 2.75~3.75 41 835216 191.71 150/70-17M/C 69H Battlax BT46R UM 25.2 5.9 9 (4.5) 3.5~4.5 41 835217 226.76 130/80-17M/C 65H Battlax BT46R UM 24.0 4.3 6 (3.0) 2.5~3.5 41 835213 191.71 120/80-17M/C 61H Battlax BT46R UM 24.6 4.6 9 (2.75) 2.5~3.0 41 835210 166.98 120/90-17M/C 64V Battlax BT46R UM 25.5 4.7 9 (2.75) 2.5~3.5 41 835211 197.90 130/80-18M/C 66V Battlax BT46R 25.24 5.2 9 2.5-3.5 41 835224 212.33 140/70-17M/C 66H Battlax BT46R UM 24.7 5.5 9 (4.0) 3.5~4.5 41 835215 216.45 140/70-18M/C 67H Battlax BT46R 25.7 5.5 9 (4.0) 3.5~4.5 41 835225 142.24 120/90-18M/C 65V Battlax BT46R UM 26.5 4.7 9 (2.75) 2.5~3.0 41 835222 220.57 110/80-18M/C 58H Battlax BT46R UM 25.2 4. 9 (2.5) 2.15~3.0 41 835219 150.48 4.00-18 64H Battlax BT46R 26.5 4.6 9 (2.5) 2.15~3.0 41 835218 187.59 110/90-18M/C 61H Battlax BT46R UM 25.8 4.4 9 (2.5) 2.15~3.0 41 835220 154.61 130/70-18M/C 63H Battlax BT46R 25.4 5.3 9 (3.5) 3.0~4.0 41 835223 191.71 120/80-18M/C 62H Battlax BT46R UM 25.6 4.6 9 (2.75) 2.5~3.0 41 835221 152.55 150/70-18M/C 70H Battlax BT46R 26.3 6 8.65 (4.25) 4.00~4.50 41 835226 214.39 SIZE/AVAILABILITY CHART VINTAGE AND CUSTOM TIRES luggage body accessories handlebars & grips mirrors cables & levers electrical lighting engine fuel & intake air & oil filters clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings chemicals tools & shop trailer exhaust 26 tires
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