Street Catalog

FUEL & INTAKE 728 luggage body accessories handlebars & grips mirrors cables & levers electrical lighting engine fuel & intake air & oil filters clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings chemicals tools & shop trailer exhaust tires AIR CUT OFF VALVE SETS Here's an inexpensive alternative to the costly OEM assembly. To prevent "afterburn" generated by a lean fuel mixture when closing the throttle, the air cut-off valve temporarily closes the slow-jet air passage, creating an instantly richer mixture. Included in these high quality kits are all parts necessary for a complete rebuild (diaphragm, spring and o-ring). Made in Japan. 721210 721211 721212 721233 721215 721235 721217 721239 MAKE/MODEL YEAR PART # HONDA STREET GL1000 Goldwing 75-79 721208 31.76 CB1000C Custom 83 721212 31.76 CB1100F Super Sport 83 721212 31.76 CB400A Automatic 78 721210 31.76 CB400T 80-81 721211 31.76 CB400T1 Hawk 78-79 721210 31.76 CB400TII Hawk 79-79 721210 31.76 CB450SC Nighthawk 82-83 721211 31.76 CB450SC Nighthawk 85 721211 31.76 CB450T Hawk 82 721211 31.76 CB650 79 721209 31.76 CB650 80 721211 31.76 CB650C Custom 80 721211 31.76 CB750C Custom 80-82 721211 31.76 CB750F Super Sport 79 721209 31.76 CB750F Super Sport 80-82 721211 31.76 CB750K 79 721209 31.76 CB750K 80-82 721211 31.76 CB750L LTD 79 721209 31.76 CB750SC Nighthawk 82-83 721211 31.76 CB900C Custom 80-82 721211 31.76 CB900F Super Sport 81-82 721211 31.76 CBR1000F Hurricane 87-88 721237 30.48 CBR600F Hurricane (California models only) 87-89 721237 30.48 CBX1000 (1047cc 6-cyl) Super Sport 79-82 721213 31.05 CM400A Automatic 80-81 721211 31.76 CM400A Automatic 79 721210 31.76 CM400C Custom 81 721211 31.76 CM400E 80-81 721211 31.76 CM400T 79 721210 31.76 CM400T 80-81 721211 31.76 CM450A Automatic 82-83 721211 31.76 CM450C Custom 82 721211 31.76 CM450E 82-83 721211 31.76 CX500 78-79 721210 31.76 CX500C Custom 79 721210 31.76 CX500C Custom 80-82 721211 31.76 CX500D Deluxe 79 721210 31.76 CX500D Deluxe 80-81 721211 31.76 CX650C Custom 83 721212 31.76 FT500 Ascot (single cylinder) 82-83 721212 31.76 GL1000L Goldwing LTD 76 721208 31.76 GL1100 Goldwing 80-83 721211 31.76 GL1100A Goldwing Aspencade 82-83 721211 31.76 GL1100I Goldwing Interstate 80-83 721211 31.76 GL1200 Goldwing 84 721214 31.76 GL1200A Goldwing Aspencade 84-87 721214 31.76 MAKE/MODEL YEAR PART # HONDA STREET CONTINUED GL1200I Goldwing Interstate 84-87 721214 31.76 GL500 Silverwing 81-82 721211 31.76 GL500I Silverwing Interstate 81-82 721211 31.76 GL650 Silverwing 83 721212 31.76 GL650I Silverwing Interstate 83 721212 31.76 ST1100 91-02 721237 30.48 ST1100A (ABS) 92-02 721237 30.48 ST1100p (Police) 93 721237 30.48 VFR750F 90-93 721237 30.48 VFR750R RC90 90 721237 30.48 XL250R 82-83 721212 31.76 XL250S 78-79 721210 31.76 XL250S 80-81 721211 31.76 XL500R 82 721212 31.76 XL500S Dual Sport 79-81 721211 31.76 HONDA DUAL SPORT/OFFROAD CRF230F 03-04 721212 31.76 XL250R 82-83 721212 31.76 XL250S 78-79 721210 31.76 XL250S 80-81 721211 31.76 XL500R 82 721212 31.76 XL500S 79-81 721214 31.76 XR250 80 721212 31.76 XR250R 86-04 721212 31.76 XR250R 81-82 721213 31.05 XR350R 85 721212 31.76 XR500 79-80 721215 31.76 XR600R 88-00 721212 31.76 KAWASAKI STREET EL250B2/B3 Eliminator 88-89 721215 31.76 EL250E1 250HS Eliminator 91-94 721215 31.76 EX250E1/E2 Ninja250R 86-87 721215 31.76 EX250F1/F2/F3 Ninja 250R 88-90 721215 31.76 EX250F6~F17 Ninja 250R 92-04 721215 31.76 EX250J NINJA 250R 08-12 721215 31.76 KL600A1/B1/B2 KLR600 84-86 721215 31.76 KL650A1~A19 KLR650 87-05 721215 31.76 KL650B2 Tengai KLR650 90 721215 31.76 KLX650C1/C2/C3/C4 (dual) 93-96 721215 31.76 VN1500A1~A9 Vulcan 88 87-95 721215 31.76 VN1500A10/A11/A12/A13 Vulcan 1500 96-99 721215 31.76 VN1500B1/B2/B3/B4 Vulcan 88 SE 87-90 721215 31.76 VN1500C3/C4 Vulcan 1500L 96-97 721215 31.76 VN1500D1/D2 Vulcan 1500 Classic 96-97 721216 27.62 VN1500E1/E2/E3 Vulcan 1500 Classic 98-00 721216 27.62 VN1500E4/E5 Vulcan 1500 Classic 01-02 721216 27.62