Street Catalog
AIR & OIL FILTERS 865 STREET CATALOG luggage body accessories handlebars & grips mirrors cables & levers electrical lighting engine fuel & intake air & oil filters clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings chemicals tools & shop trailer exhaust tires AIR / OIL FILTERS continued PRICING AT END OF APPLICATION YEAR OIL FILTER AIR FILTER HONDA CONTINUED CBF1000 F (ABS) SC58 06-10 982061 982158 CBF1000 F/FA-B,C,D,E,F,G 11-16 982061 982696 CBR1000 FH,FJ SC21 87-88 982064 982136 CBR1000 FK,FL,FM,FN SC24 89-92 982064 982136 CBR1000 FP,FR SC25 93-94 982064 982136 CBR1000 FS,FT,FV,FW,FX 95-99 982064 982136 CBR1000 F Hurricane 87-95 982064 982136 CBR1000 RR-4,5,6,7 Fireblade (requires 2 x air filters) SC57 04-07 982061 982151 CBR1000 RR-8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G Fireblade SC59 08-16 982061 982697 CBR1000 RR-H,J,K Fireblade 17-19 982061 982885 CBR1000 RR-E,F,G Fireblade SP 14-16 982061 982697 CBR1000 RA-A,B,C,D,E,F,G Fireblade (C-ABS) 10-16 982061 982697 CBR1000 RA-H,J,K Fireblade (C-ABS) 17-19 982061 982885 CBR1000 SP-G (USA) 15-16 982061 982697 CBR1000 S1-S1H,S1J,S1K 17-19 982061 982885 CBR1000 S2-S2H,S2J 17-18 982061 982885 CBX1000 ZA (CB 1) SC03 78-79 982066 ----- CBX1000 A ProLink 80 982066 ----- CBX1000 B,C ProLink SC06 80-82 982066 982135 CRF1000 L-G,H,J Africa Twin (requires 2 x air filters) (Australia) 16-18 982061 982698 CRF1000 A-G,H,J Africa Twin (requires 2 x air filters) 16-19 982061 982698 CRF1000 A2-J Africa Twin SP (requires 2 x air filters) 18 982061 982698 CRF1000 A2-K Africa Twin Adventure (requires 2 x air filters) 19 982061 982698 CRF1000 D-G,H,J,K Africa Twin DCT (requires 2 x air filters) Engine Filter 16-19 982061 982698 CRF1000 D-G,H,J,K Africa Twin DCT Transmission Filter 16-19 982739 ----- CRF1000 D2-J Africa Twin SP DCT (requires 2 x air filters) Engine Filter 18 982061 982698 CRF1000 D2-J Africa Twin SP DCT Transmission Filter 18 982739 ----- CRF1000 D2-K Africa Twin Adventure DCT (requires 2 x air filters) 19 982061 982698 CRF1000 D2-K Africa Twin Adventure DCT 19 982739 ----- GL1000 Gold Wing 75-80 982066 982137 GL1000 L,Z,LTD 75-79 982066 982137 RC51 (RVT1000 R) (requires 2 x air filters) (USA) RC51 00-06 982061 982152 VF1000 FE,FF,F2F SC15 84-85 982060 982140 VF1000 RE SC16 84 982060 982140 VF1000 RF,RG SC16 85-86 982060 982140 VF1000 F Interceptor 84-85 982060 982140 VTR1000 F Fire Storm SC36 97-02 982064 982142 VTR1000 F Fire Storm SC36 03-05 982061 982142 VTR1000 F Super Hawk 98-02 982064 982142 VTR1000 F Super Hawk 03-05 982061 982142 VTR1000 SP-1 (requires 2 x air filters) RC51 00 982064 982152 VTR1000 SP-1,SP-2 (requires 2 x air filters) SC45 01-06 982061 982152 XL1000 V-X,Y,1,2 Varadero SD01,SD02 99-02 982064 982142 XL1000 V-3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D Varadero SD02 03-13 982061 982154 XL1000 VA-5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C Varadero (ABS) SD02 05-13 982061 982154 XL1000 V-5,6,7,8,9 Varadero Travel 05-09 982061 982154 XL1000 V-9 Varadero Comfort 09 982061 982154 CBX1050 79-80 982066 ----- CB1100 RB SC05 81 982066 982126 CB1100 RC,RD SC08 82-83 982066 982126 CB1100 F SC11 83 982066 982126 CB1100 SF-Y,1,2 X-Eleven 00-03 982064 982148 CB1100 D,E,F,G 13-16 982061 982699 CB1100 CA-H 18 982061 982699 CB1100 NA-H 18 982061 982699 CB1100 EX-E,F,G,H,J,K 15-19 982061 982699 CB1100 RS-H,J 17-19 982061 982699 CBR1100 XX-V,W BlackBird SC35 97-98 982064 982143 CBR1100 XX-X,Y,1,2,3,4,5,6 BlackBird SC35 99-06 982064 982148 GL1100 Gold Wing 80-85 982066 982138 GL1100 I Interstate 80-83 982066 982138 PRICING AT END OF APPLICATION YEAR OIL FILTER AIR FILTER HONDA CONTINUED GL1100 A Aspencade 82-83 982066 982138 ST1100 A, L-G 90-95 982064 982144 ST1100 L,M,N,P,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y Pan European SC26 90-00 982064 982144 ST1100 ABS-TSC SC26 92-98 982064 982144 ST1100 X,Y,1,2 Pan European CBS- ABS-TSC SC26 99-02 982064 982144 VF1100 C V65 Magna 82-86 982060 ----- VF1100 CD,CE 83-84 982060 ----- VF1100 S V65 Sabre 84-85 982060 ----- VT1100 C Shadow 87-88 982060 982141 VT1100 C Shadow 89-95 982064 982141 VT1100 C,C2,C2-2,C3 Shadow 1100 95-98 982064 982141 VT1100 C Shadow Spirit 99-07 982064 982141 VT1100 C2 Shadow Sabre 99-07 982064 982141 VT1100 C3 Shadow Aero 98-02 982064 982141 VT1100 D2 Shadow 99 982064 982141 VT1100 CT Shadow American Classic Edition 98 982064 982141 VT1100 T Shadow Ace Tour 98-02 982064 982141 GL12SE-I 86 982066 ----- GL1200 AE,AF,AG,AH 84-88 982066 982139 GL1200 Gold Wing 84-87 982066 982139 GL1200 A Gold Wing Aspencade 84-87 982066 982139 GL1200 I Gold Wing Interstate 84-87 982066 982139 GL1200 Gold Wing 90 982066 ----- VFR1200 F V4 10-12 982061 982700 VFR1200 F DCT V4 10-12 982061 982700 VFR1200 X-C,D,E,F,G,H,J Crosstourer 12-18 982061 982700 VFR1200 XD-E,F,G,H,J Crosstourer DCT 14-18 982061 982700 VFR1200 X Crosstourer Highland T 15 982061 982700 CB1300 F-3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A (ABS) SC54 03-10 982061 ----- CB1300 S/SA-5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D (ABS) SC54 05-13 982061 ----- CTX1300 14-16 982061 ----- ST1300 Pan European SC51 02-15 982061 982155 ST1300 A ABS Pan European SC51 02-15 982061 982155 ST1300 PA Police (USA) 11-18 982061 982155 VT1300 CR,CRA Stateline 10-16 982061 982159 VT1300 CS,CSA Sabre 10-15 982061 982159 VT1300 CT,CTA Interstate 10-15 982061 982159 VT1300 CX,CXA Fury 10-20 982061 982159 VTX1300 C / R / T 04-09 982061 982156 VTX1300 S Retro SC52 03-07 982061 982156 GL1500 Gold Wing 88-93 982064 982145 GL1500 A Gold Wing Aspencade 91-00 982064 982145 GL1500 I Gold Wing Interstate 91-96 982064 982145 GL1500 SE Gold Wing 90-01 982064 982145 GL1500 Black Widow 01 982064 982145 GL1500 F6C Valkyrie SC34 97-03 982064 982146 GL1800 Gold Wing SC47 01-17 982061 982153 GL1800 Gold Wing 18-19 982061 ----- GL1800 Gold Wing (ABS) SC47 03-05 982061 982153 GL1800 Gold Wing Deluxe 13-15 982061 982153 GL1800 B F6B Gold Wing 13-14 982061 982153 GL1800 B F6B Gold Wing 15-17 982061 982153 GL1800 B F6B Gold Wing 18-19 982061 ----- GL1800 C Gold Wing Valkyrie 14-15 982061 982153 GL1800 D/DA-J,K Gold Wing Tour DCT Engine Filter 18-19 982061 ----- GL1800 D/DA-J,K Gold Wing Tour DCT Transmission Filter 18-19 982739 ----- GL1800 F6C Gold Wing 14-16 982061 982153 GL1800 P Gold Wing Premium Audio SC47 06-07 982061 982153 GL1800 HP Gold Wing Audio/Comfort SC47 06-10 982061 982153 GL1800 HPN Gold Wing Audio/Comfort/ Navi SC47 06-10 982061 982153 GL1800 HPNA Gold Wing Audio/Comfort/ Navi/ABS SC47 06-10 982061 982153 GL1800 HPNM Gold Wing Audio/Comfort/ Navi XM 10 982061 982153 GL1800 HPNM Gold Wing Audio/Comfort/ Navi XM ABS 10 982061 982153 GL1800 BM Gold Wing Airbag 10 982061 982153 NRX1800 Valkyrie Rune 04-05 982061 ----- VTX1800 C / F / N / R / S / T SC46 02-08 982061 982157
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